Moss Manual

Command-line options

Usage: moss [options] [file [arguments]]

-i file     Include and execute a file before normal execution.
            Multiple files are possible: '-i file1 -i file2'.

-file       Shorthand for '-i file'. Have a look at 'lib/include'.
    -m      Prelude mathematical functions.
    -la     Prelude mathematical functions and linear algebra.
    -sh     Prelude shell commands.
    -t      Prelude development tools.

-u          Unchecked mode: do not compile assert statements.

-e "1+2"    Evaluate some Moss code inline.

-unsafe     Unsafe mode: run the interpreter in privileged mode,
            which allows write access to files, network access
            and execution of shell commands. Running an untrusted
            module in unsafe mode is a security hazard.

-c          Compile a module to reduce load time.
            Only needed for very large modules.

Using Moss for command-line tools

Crate a file tool.moss with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env moss
use sys: argv


Now strip the file name extension from the file name and change the file permission to executeable. Open a terminal in the directory and type in:

./tool hello world

Now copy the file to a place in PATH. These places are shown by:

echo $PATH

But make sure that the file does not shadow another command with the same name. The program may now be executed in every directory by typing:

tool hello world



Obtain Ubuntu, or else Debian, or else another fancy Linux, or else a fancy POSIX system, or else Windows. If some dependency cannot be fulfilled, set up a minimal build and then add feature after feature until some error occurs.

Windows is currently not supported. If you want to port to Windows, edit the operating system interface:


and send upstream pull request to:

Install dependencies:
sudo apt install rustc
sudo apt install cargo

Alternatively (enables cross compilation):
sudo apt install curl
curl -sSf | sh

Install optional dependencies:
sudo apt install libgmp-dev
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libsdl2-ttf-dev

Currently unused optional dependencies:
sudo apt install libblas-dev
sudo apt install liblapacke-dev

For the first compilation,
Cargo needs network connection:
libc = "0.2"
termios = "0.2"

Configure optional dependencies in Cargo.toml:
# Minimal
# default = ["long-none"]

# Basic
# default = ["long-none", "math-la", "math-sf"]

# Full
default = ["long-gmp", "math-la", "math-sf", "graphics"]

Run one of the following:
cargo check
cargo build
cargo build --release

Cross compilation, target: x86-64

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
sudo apt install qemu-user

sudo apt install gcc-multilib
# Workaround for a bug:
# /usr/bin/ld: cannot find Scrt1.o: No such file or directory
# /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory

cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
qemu-x86_64 ./moss

Cross compilation, target: Windows

rustup target add i686-pc-windows-gnu
sudo apt install wine

# Workaround for a linker bug:
# Add these lines to .cargo/config:
linker = "/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
linker = "/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc"
rustflags = "-C panic=abort"

cargo build --target i686-pc-windows-gnu
wine ./moss


Set up the latest development version:

Maybe you need to switch your operating system account to have system administration access. Then also run sh on your user account to install the moss library locally. The library will be found at:


Development tools

sudo apt install geany

# Debugger, dynamic program analysis
sudo apt install valgrind
sudo apt install kcachegrind
sudo apt install gdb

# Emulator for cross compiler output
sudo apt install wine

# Compare a file and its modification
sudo apt install kompare

# Find all occurrences of a pattern
egrep -nrwi "regex" ./
  () | [] . * ?
  {n} {min,} {,max} {min,max}
  ^ $ \< \> \w \b

# GNU Scientific Library
sudo apt install libgsl-dev