Development blog 2016-2019

Table of contents

New formatted printing policy

Separation between formatted printing to stdout and string buffers shall be resolved. Formatted printing to stdout shall be removed in favor of string buffers.

New formatted printing function

Moss gets a function and syntax for formatted printing. I will compare it with equivalents from C.

   C: printf("(%li,%li)",x,y)
Moss: print("({},{})"%[x,y])

   C: snprintf(s,N,"(%li,%li)",x,y)
Moss: s = "({},{})" % [x,y]

The template syntax will be similar to format from Python but may differ more or less.

# Here is an example of proper usage:
a = list(0..10).map(|x| [x,x^2])
for t in a
s = buffer.join("\n")

# More briefly:
/*1*/ a = list(0..10).map(|x| [x,x^2])
/*2*/ s =|t| "({},{})"%t).join("\n")
/*3*/ print(s)

We see a practical pattern: a strict separation between actual information structure (1), formatting (2) and stdout (3).

Note: to have advanced output, libraries should be provided that return tables as HTML5, LaTeX2e and plots as PNG, SVG as automatically as possible. Whole documents or books (libraries?) could be generated automatically from data. But one must say to this, that HTML5 is more easy to use than LaTeX2e.

Joined datatypes map and set

As sets are a special case of maps (dictionaries) and set operations do not interfere with map operations, them can be joined. Maps with values absent can be considered as sets:

{1, 2} == {1: null, 2: null}

Multisets cannot be included as well, because they introduce problems. For example, '==' behaves differently if there are keys with m[key]==0. But it is clear that maps may be used as internal data structures of multisets. An alternative is, to simply monkey patch the necessary operations into Map (Map is the data type of maps).

Assignments to function applications

A syntactical sugar for assignments to function applications is added to the language.

1. a.m()=y is equivalent to a.set_m(y)
2. a.m(x1,...,xn)=y is equivalent to a.set_m(x1,...,xn,y)
3. a.m(x) = y1,y2 the same as a.m(x)=[y1,y2]
     and therefore equivalent to a.set_m(x,[y1,y2])
4. a.m1(),a.m2() = t is not possible (t=[y1,y2])
5. a[i]()=y is not possible

The point in (4) is that the language should be minimalistic and (4) would blow it up. It is definitely much harder to implement than (1,2,3) which required less than 40 lines of code.

There is a problem with standard printing of floating point numbers. For example, one can get

> list(0..1:0.2)
[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6000000000000001, 0.8, 1.0]
So we can have output of the form 000000000...some digit
and (under other circumstances)  999999999...some digit.
This is because of printf("%.16g\n",x).

In most cases one has engineering tasks and does not suffer
from slightly lower precision. So I think I will change that
to %.14g to make output more stable. One can always get full
precision by "{g16}"%[x] or even "{g17}"%[x].
(#include <float.h>: DBL_DECIMAL_DIG==17)

Reimplementation in Rust

It is clear for me now, that the Moss interpreter must be rewritten in Rust. I have to struggle with segmentation faults too often. The security goals are:

Security (1). Maybe it is possible to achieve a memory safe implementation.

Security (2). Access to files will be realized by a mandatory access control system. In that system the main program obtains a right to access files in some path. This right is given explicitly to the subprograms that do the task. The difference to the flat model is, that in the flat model a third party library routine can do anything, once the main program got the right.

Security (3). What makes the most headache is a general call of shell commands. Any call of an external program (e.g. in a scripting language) can undermine the access control system. Thus such a call is ill behaved and shall only be possible in the unsafe mode. Ideally, the unsafe mode is made forbidden outside of a sandbox environment.

Update (2018-03-22). The interpreter kernel is ported to Rust, it's construction was successful and is is almost complete now. There were some pitfalls, interesting ones, but it was possible to take them into account. The most interesting pitfalls are:

Security goal (1) is achieved, the interpreter is memory safe, provided Rust is sound, the Rust compiler produces safe code and each used FFI (foreign function interface) is safe. It is also possible to make it almost completely logically safe in terms of overflow checks (there is a compiler option for that). There are some remaining overflows from integer casts that should be audited. Inline functions can be used to abstract this, making the overflow checks optional.

Security goals (2) and (3), running untrusted code by a capability-based security model, are much harder to achieve, because this security model is deeply connected to privateness and immutability of data. For file access, a model with sandbox directories seems to be, albeit less fine grained, easier to achieve without loopholes.

New syntax for a formal self-argument

The standard syntax for formal self-arguments has a problem. The following is not possible, bacause the inner self-argument shadows the outer one:

Function.o = |f| |x| self(f(x))

One is forced to write instead:

Function.o = fn|f|
  g = self
  return |x| g(f(x))

This problem occurs often if one uses methods, because closures and higher order functions are frequently used. Now the idea is, to separate the self-argument via an semicolon from the other arguments. For actual arguments this syntax is already possible, but I will provide it also for formal arguments. Then we have:

Function.o = |g;f| |x| g(f(x))

About modules

What is the difference between what follows? Firstly:

m = load("m")

And secondly:

m = eval(read("m.moss"))

Behavior is different, because eval returns a value rather than a module object. But the question that comes into mind is: should they be equivalent? In order to achieve that, in a module a module object should be returned explicitly rather than implicitly. This would also solve another problem: How to state a module that consists only of a single class or a single function (e.g. to achieve advanced lazy loading and lazy evaluation)? The problem here is an oddly looking import statement:

use class_name: class_name
# vs.
use class_name

Note that eval can be made quite powerful. It can take an additional argument that specifies information about the environment. For example, global variable of the environment are used by default by eval. If a module would be loaded, eval had to take an empty environment.

Default arguments

The interpreter already supports default arguments for build in functions. Now a function's argument count can simply be a range. Not given arguments will be filled out with null. Now

function f(x,y=expression)

is simply syntactic sugar for

function f(x,y=null)
  if y is null then y=expression end

An implementation is straightforward:

  1. Let argument count be a range.
  2. Take the assignment AST and obtain that desired if-AST from it.
  3. Insert or compile this if-AST before function body. To be more precise: At first, the function body is parsed, and then we have both: if-AST and body-AST.

Now construct (or compile in this order):

* block-node
  * if-node-1
  * if-node-2
  * if-node-n
  * body-node

Easy going. At next, default named arguments are stated as follows:

function f(x,m={})
  a = m["a"] if "a" in m else a0
  b = m["b"] if "b" in m else b0
  # ...

That's clumsy. I believe, default named arguments are very important for usability and thus should be supported by the language. Now let

{a=a0, b=b0} = m

be syntactic sugar for

a = m["a"] if "a" in m else a0
b = m["b"] if "b" in m else b0

Without default arguments it should be more strict: Let

{a,b} = m

be syntactic sugar for

a = m["a"]; b = m["b"]

I call this the map unpacking statement.

It took me 100 lines of C code to implement map unpacking, including construction of a temporary variable if the right hand side is an expression. I think it was a worthwhile effort.

Finally it can be moved into the arguments list:

function f(x,{a=a0,b=b0})
  # ...
as syntactic sugar for
function f(x,_m0_)
  {a=a0,b=b0} = _m0_
  # ...


function f([x,y])
  # ...

is syntactic sugar for

function f(_t0_)
  x,y = _t0_
  # ...

In addition I achieved (by 30 lines of C code) syntactic sugar for named actual arguments:

f(x,y,a=e1,b=e2) ≡≡ f(x,y,{a=e1,b=e2})

They may appear in any order, independently from positional arguments. That is a little more welfare than simply omitting the curly brackets.

Private variables

At first I recall that

begin ... end

is syntactic sugar for:

fn|| ... end()

Often we want to create a local variable, use it in one or more functions, and forget it afterwards. Thus we want to have a local scope, so that the variable does not exist outside of this scope. In Moss I have used this ugly construction so far:

f = begin
  n = 42
  return |x| n*x

But if one wants to bind some value to more than one function, this construction becomes even more unpleasant:

f,g = begin
  n = 42
  f = |x| n*x
  g = |x| x+n
  return f,g

In Lua it is possible to restrict variables to a local scope:

  local n = 42
  function f(x)
    return n*x
  function g(x)
    return x+n


I did not realize until now that this is perfectly possible in my own programming language too:

  global f,g
  n = 42
  f = |x| n*x
  g = |x| x+n


Furthermore, this actually solves the problem of having variables that are restricted to a module.1 And fortunately these variables can be accessed faster, since local variables are stored in a stack frame rather than the map of global variables.

A problem that remains is mutual recursion. In JavaScript this is solved by making it possible to use a local variable that is defined later on. For now, in Moss one would need to switch to global variables for this purpose.

Footnote 1: It would be possible to achieve that a variable may be declared to be local to a module (module scope). In C known as a static variable. Such a variable would also be stored inside an array rather than a map. But to me begin-end is nicer and more powerful as it leads to more fine-grained constructions.

Definition of the import statement

In Moss, a module, for example math, is made available by the following statement:

use math

The implementation so far was an internal import-function that added math to the map of global variables. A change to this behavior will be proposed now. The import-statement will be made syntactic sugar to:

math = load("math")

This has the advantage that math can be a local variable now. We recapitulate that a private variable is a (can be modeled as a) local variable of a block (in Moss: begin-end).

The full syntax is as follows:

# (A)
use pathnode.pathnode.m: f,g

# (B)
use malias=pathnode.pathnode.m: falias=f, galias=g

This is defined to be syntactic sugar to:

# (A)
m = load("pathnode/pathnode/m")
f = m.f
g = m.g

# (B)
malias = load("pathnode/pathnode/m")
falias = malias.f
galias = malias.g

In Addition:

  use m:*
# is meant to be
  m = load("m")

# and

  use(m): f, g
# is meant to be (without load)
  f = m.f; g = m.g

Assert statements

The assert statement was added to the language:

assert condition

assert condition, text

It is implemented as syntactic sugar, because text shall be lazily evaluated. So we have:

if not condition

Example of usage:

function pow(x,n)
  assert n: Int and n>=0, "pow(x,n), n: Int, n>=0"
  for k in 1..n
  return y

# Assertion failed: pow(x,n), n: Int, n>=0.

A failed assertion results in an ordinary exception that is shown together with a stack trace.

Update. Maybe it is a good idea to enable compilation of assert statements only in debug mode. Debug mode will be switched on by "moss -d". So, if something goes wrong and a long stack trace is returned, debug mode could be turned on to inspect the situation further.

Embedded slicing ability

If we have a string s, it is expensive to create a slice s[i..j]. But as s is immutable, a slice object could be returned, without copying data. Now we can make every string a slice object, if we say we have a immutable data array and a (pointer,len) to a part of it.

At first this contradicts with the string being a struct with a flexible array last member. We would need a double allocation. At next, the data array has to contain a reference counter. Ideally the data array is a struct with a flexible array last member. Not to forget that the string object itself needs an independent reference counter.

This sounds more complicated. So what have we won? Now we can take slices and slices of slices without the need of allocating and copying around data. Take into mind the basic algorithm that searches a substring in a string.

Interestingly this is an implementation detail that is transparent to the programming language because strings are chosen to be immutable.

Moving further, such a behavior is also interesting for dynamic arrays (type List in Moss). If a slice is obtained from an array, the arrays length should become immutable. The information about immutable length, immutable data and slicing can be modeled as an option type (extra behavior flag), to separate it from the standard behavior. A problem is again, that the data array needs an independent reference counter.

Alternatively, we could have a sum type (a tagged union) that chooses whether to point to data or to slice another array.

So, what have we won? Let's take a look on some naive algorithms:

# Naive quicksort
qsort = |a| ([] if len(a)==0 else
  qsort(a[1..].filter(|x| x<a[0]))+[a[0]]+
  qsort(a[1..].filter(|x| x>=a[0])))

# Naive sieve of Eratosthenes
sieve = |a| ([] if len(a)==0 else
  [a[0]]+sieve(a[1..].filter(|x| x%a[0]!=0)))

Many huge copies are created by a[1..]. The algorithms could be made a bit more quick and memory friendly, but it hardly is worthwhile as these algorithms are terribly inefficient.

Null coalescing operator

In Moss, the index operations a[i], m[key] are strict. If i is out of bounds or key is not found, an exception will be thrown. Now we could introduce sloppy index operations a(i), a(key), that return null if i is out of bounds or key is not found. That's right, we simply overload the function call operator.

Furthermore we introduce the null coalescing operator as "a or else b". Now these to statements are semantically equivalent:

y = m[key] if key in m else x

y = m(key) or else x

In both statements, x is lazily evaluated.

Better reflection support

In Moss, there is the member access operation "a.x". One can have reflection this way:

y = record(a)["x"]

Here the problem emerges, that the ordinary index operation does not respect the prototype chain. Now we find, that an expression "a.x" is parsed into an AST (dot a "x"). But the compiler ever since the beginning was able to compile the more general AST (dot a x) where a and x are arbitrary expressions. The recursive descent may simply take an atom after the dot. Thus I will introduce the general syntax "a.(x)". So, adding very few lines to the compiler allows us nice reflection with respect to the prototype chain. For clarity, we have:

a.x ≡≡ a.("x")

The metaclass patch

The basic idea for the object system of Moss is so far, that the type and prototype of an object coincide. A property (including methods) is searched in the object first, then in the object's prototype, and then in the prototype's prototype and so on until null is reached. This simple model is shown by this graph:

Now, the problem arises that a type should have an own object-to-string method. But placed somewhere in the prototype chain, it will conflict with the object-to-string method for the type's instances. A solution is to obtain the object-to-string method from the object's type. But in order to do that, the type-prototype coincidence must be removed.

Now, the idea is, not to change the object system, but to patch the coincidence breakage into it. A table object is constructed as follows:

signature = prototype

t = table signature{x=value, y=value}
 ≡≡ table signature({x=value, y=value})

We can have multiple inheritance:

signature = [prototype1, prototype2, ..., prototypeN]

Now, a tuple is used to differentiate between a type and a prototype:

signature = (type, object_name, prototype)

This leads to the following model:

The patched type system looks as follows:

To make things easy, property access only searches the prototype chain. A complicated rule "one left then upwards" will not be used.

For object-to-string, the type name must be stored somewhere, and it should be easy to create a named class. For convenience the tuple is extended by optional elements. The complete signature is:

signature = (type, object_name, prototype, hidden_properties)

A simple example:

Bird = table(Type,"Bird"){
   function string
      "{} is a bird." % []
   function fly
      "{} can fly!" % []

Duck = table(Type,"Duck",Bird){
   function string
      "{} is a duck." % []
   function dive
      "{} can dive!" % []

d = table Duck{name = "Donald"}

print("type: ", type(d))

# Output:
# Donald is a duck.
# Donald can fly!
# Donald can dive!
# type: Duck

Proper lexical scoping

Not possible in Moss so far is proper lexical scoping. Proper lexical scoping is a closure capture of an external local variable from lexical scope by mutable reference. The local variable's lifetime is increased from 'scope to max('scope'closure).

In Moss, lexically scoped closures are possible, but by capture per cloning. Not possible so far is such a construct:

function main
  s = 0
    s = s+k

The outer and inner s are two different variables because of a cloning at closure creation. Thus, the outer s will not be modified. How to solve this problem?

At first let me explain how I implemented closures. I will use

f = |x,y| |z| x+y+z

as an example to examine what is happening. This is transformed into the following pseudo-Moss:

f = fn|x,y|
  _t = [x,y]
  return fn(_t)|z| t[0]+t[1]+z end

After transformation one can see why nothing happens:

function main
  s = 0
  _t = [s]
    _t[0] = _t[0]+k

Now, the idea is to regard the situation as a move of s into _t. Thus also in outer scope, we need to replace every occurrence of a captured variable by _t[i]. In this case, print(s) is replaced by print(_t[0]).

Closure chains are not problematic:

function main
  s = 0
  _t = [s]
    _t[0] = _t[0]+k
  _t = [_t[0]]
    _t[0] = _t[0]+k

Closure nesting is more problematic:

function main
  s = 0
  _t1 = [s]
    _t2 = [_t1[0]]
      _t2[0] = _t2[0]+i*j
    # lifetime of _t2 ends here

This is not possible, because the lifetime of _t2 is not long enough. There is more than one possible solution to this problem. We have to take in mind that all of this is about lexical scoping. Because of this situation, we could simply move _t2 into the outmost local scope:

function main
  s = 0
  _t1 = [s]
  _t2 = []
      _t2[0] = _t2[0]+i*j

Again, difficulties arise when nesting and chaining are combined.

Auto unpacking removed

For convenience, in some higher order functions there was automatic list unpacking:

scalar_product = |v,w| zip(v,w).sum(|x,y| x*y)
               = |v,w| zip(v,w).sum(|t| t[0]*t[1])

This is not possible in general and thus is removed in favor of explicit unpacking:

scalar_product = |v,w| zip(v,w).sum(|[x,y]| x*y)

Argument list unpacking

For argument list unpacking there was so far:

f(1,2) ≡≡ f.apply([1,2])

This approach has the drawback that self arguments must be given explicitly:

x.m(1,2) ≡≡ x.m.apply(x;[1,2])
  /*but not*/ x.m.apply([1,2])

Due to this reason, f.apply(a) is replaced by f(*a).

Surprisingly, the implementation patch was very short and took me only 30 min. I added the unary prefix operator "*" to the recursive descent at the same level as the unary prefix operators "+ - ~". Now in AST compilation we match splat in these ASTs:

  (apply f (splat (list 1 2))),
  (apply (dot x "m") (splat (list 1 2))),
  (apply (dot x "m") x (splat (list 1 2))),

and branch to compilation of unpacking apply. There we take explicit and implicit self arguments into account again. A new byte code APPLY is added to the interpreter. This byte code calls a very short function that takes f,self,a from the stack and calls the Rust-Moss transition,self,a) where env is a pointer to the calling environment. The very same behavior was in f.apply(self,a).

In before I mused about alternative approaches. One could have unpacked to the object stack and taken a dynamic argument count from the object stack. But firstly this would have made calling slower and secondly would have lead to stack overflow in case of large lists.

The following behavior is not implemented at this point of time:

f(*a,*b) ≡≡ f(*(a+b)),
f(x,y,*a) ≡≡ f(*([x,y]+a))

Thus we need to use the right hand side.

Making table literals orthogonal

The function call


is replaced by

table prototype(properties)

Thus we have

T = table{}
m = {x=1,y=2}
table{x=1,y=2}   ≡≡ table null(m)
table T{x=1,y=2} ≡≡ table T(m)

List comprehensions

In the last week I mused about adding generator comprehensions to the language. From that we receive list, set and dictionary comprehensions as a gift.

The most simple implementation is reduction to syntactic sugar. For example

list(f(x) for x in a)

will be transformed into:

list(fn*|| for x in a do yield f(x) end end)

The more complicated expression

list(f(x,y) for x in a if p(x) for y in b if q(x,y))

will be transformed into:

  for x in a
    if p(x)
      for y in b
        if q(x,y)
          yield f(x,y)

This could be done directly during syntactic analysis, and done elegantly, the compiler would become only slightly slightly larger by 100 up to 200 lines.

A first security model

After musing for some time about a capability based security model, I decided to compose a model of irreversible restrictions instead.

Capabilities are the most fine grained model, but are complicated to use because a system environment object has to be given to every function that shall have rights for system access. And this object has to be invisible for other functions. It would be a security hole, if this object is a global variable that could be made visible by an untrusted module.

Because of the emerging complexity, I decided to use a simpler security model, which allows system access in the old fashion. Basically, every system access needs to have a capability (a right, a permission), which is stored in rte, the internal runtime environment used in the interpreter. As per default, any file can be read, but all other system access is prohibited. But running "moss -unsafe" instead of "moss" enters root mode, allowing for everything. Now, calls to the runtime system (ordinary Moss functions) place irreversible restriction locks, that cannot be unlocked anymore. There might be different of such locks, for example for running shell commands, writing/reading files, network access and so on. Note that unrestricted call of shell commands implies writing files and network access too.

If such first few lines of a Moss program are written in a standard style, it is very easy to reason about what the program is allowed to and what not. The interface that these few lines provide, should be as easy and failure tolerant as possible. All default parameters should perform the most restriction.

The insistent drawback of this system is, that it is insecure to load untrusted modules in an authorized program. That is, one cannot have untrusted modules and authorization at the same time.

Destructors, getters, setters

So, implementing custom getters and setters is not very difficult, as I have found. Basically one provides a new class object from a class constructor, but this is an Object::Interface instead of an Object::Table. Let me explain, Interface is the residual enum variant that contains a dyn trait pointer, i.e. is the interface to all different kinds of objects, for example long integers, multidimensional arrays, file objects etc.

If a table object has such a class object A as its prototype, the behavior of the dot operator will be determined by methods of A. Ideally, the additional behavior is shadowed by a branch on Object::Interface, i.e. against a simple integer loaded from a pointer. That's a very small runtime penalty.

Implementing custom destructors is more difficult. Here the problem arises that function calls need a reference to the calling environment env. This reference must be given as an argument to the destructor. But objects are designed to be destructed everywhere. A custom Drop may be implemented, but drop takes no additional arguments. Linear typing could provide additional arguments, but this leads to very ugly code and changes the overall design.

The solution I came up with is as follows. A class object A contains an Rc-pointer to the runtime environment rte. If an object is a child of A, by calling drop it will be stored togehter with its destructor in a buffer inside of rte. A flag of type Cell<bool> inside of rte will be set, indicating a non-empty buffer. Now, when returning from a function, after a branch on the flag, the delayed destructions are processed, because we have access to env.

But note, branching at this point is particularly time critical. Any additional code will affect the calling mechanism and thus the general interpreter performance. So, one branch on a Cell<bool> behind a pointer to a struct is bearable, but not more. But wait, we can do better.

To circumvent this, there is a slight modification of this technique. A secondary calling environment will be stored inside of rte. A flag in rte indicates whether we are in a root destructor. All custom sub-destructions will be stored in the buffer. After returning from all drops, the buffer will be processed in the root destructor with the secondary calling environment. We need to do it this way, because otherwise sub-destructions would need a third calling environment, sub-sub-destructions a fourth calling environment and so on. Don't get confused, but I would consider it somewhat similar to trampolining tail calls.

A type system

A typed programming language Moss is planned, the compiler producing Moss byte code. The syntax will be so similar that both languages will have the same file extension. The typed Moss will only have a few more keywords. For comparison, an example:

function map(a,f)
   b = []
   for x in a
   return b

function map[X,Y,n](a: List[X,n], f: X=>Y): List[Y,n];
   let mut b: List[Y] = [];
   for x in a do
   return b;

The dynamic Moss is actually more general, emulated by:

function map(a: List[Object], f: Object=>Object): List[Object];
   let mut b: List[Object] = [];
   for x in a do
   return b;

Another example:

let qsort[T: Ord, n](a: List[T,n]): List[T,n] =
   [] if a==[] else
      qsort(a[1..].filter(|x| x<a[0]))+[a[0]]+
      qsort(a[1..].filter(|x| x>=a[0]));

Preventing leftover named arguments

Checking for leftover named arguments was very unergonomic so far. The most flexible design I have figured out employs a wrapper type Drain, which depletes the argument map by operator overloading. This approach is also compatible with default arguments.

use unpack: drain, assert_empty

argm = {x=1,y=2,z=3}
{x,y} = drain(argm)

# Value error: unexpected named arguments: {"z": 3}.

The unpacking may be splitted into parts:

argm = {x=1,y=2}
dargm = drain(argm)
{x} = dargm
{y} = dargm

The unpacking may drain a copy, leaving the original argument map untouched:

m = copy(argm)
{x,y} = drain(m)

To my pleasure, being a library feature, it holds the interpreter kernel smaller.

First class support for classes

So, with the introduction of classes, Moss has got a second slightly different object system. Now this system was made the primary object system, as I have found ordinary named types to be the most common pattern. The prototype based object system is just used very infrequently. Furthermore, the prototype system was unified with the class system, which means that both approaches may be mixed.

For the sake of convenience, a new class literal syntax is introduced:

class Duck = {
   function quack()
      print(, " quacks.")

d = table Duck{name = "Dagobert"}

More generally:

class Name = map_object
class Name: Parent = map_object
class Name: [Parent1,Parent2,...] = map_object

where Parent is an atomic expression and map_object is an expression. Or as an expression:

class name_string: parent_signature map_object

where name_string, parent_signature and map_object are atomic expressions.

The syntax is just syntactic sugar for:


So the first example is just:

Duck = class_constructor("Duck",null,{
   "quack": fn quack||
      print(, " quacks.")

Deep copy moved out

The algorithms for deep copy can become quite complicated. For example, when there is a non-tree-like graph, the possibility of respecting the graph structure emerges. The operations in such algorithms are actually handled quite well in Moss. For these reasons I have decided to move the functionality out of the interpreter into a library. That makes the interpreter a bit smaller again.

Unicode identifiers

Concerning Unicode identifiers, these were prohibited until now in order not to open the door to homoglyph attacks. It was unclear to me how to deal with them. However, the problem is already present in that strings are also affected, of which the program may be dependent in a sensitive way. Thus the Pandora's box is already open, so to speak. In some editors it may also be possible to hide code in the carriage return or in overlong lines. In addition, ASCII-only does not prevent typosquatting.

For these reasons, as I believe, it makes more sense to check files with an external tool. Such a tool would also be able to scan an entire directory.

Therefore I am inclined to allow Unicode for identifiers as well. For the sake of simplicity this concerns all code points greater than 127. A remaining question is, whether Unicode should be the default mode or be enabled by a command-line option. The former is more convenient while the latter is safer. As ASCII-only input in default mode would be a strong convenience regression, it seems better to me to allow Unicode in default mode. A bad stomach feeling remains.